Moo! or, the writings of the mad minotaur

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

So who is Muranog?


That is a question with lots of levels.

Muranog is an identity - really a series of identities - I have been using in MUDs, newsgroups, mailing lists, and other online fora since late 1993. Those Muranogs in fantasy milieus have mostly been trolls. Where trolls are unavailable, or just too plain smelly (like on Mozart these days), Muranog is instead a minotaur.

The original Muranog was a smart, evil, magic-using troll (the only troll smart enough to use magic in his particular world). If you're an avid roleplayer, you might know what world that was. Most of my Muranogs are good guys, but occasionally I feel the lure of the dark side :)

I have a description and history somewhere of the current Muranog on Mozart, which I wrote for Crystene a few years back. Maybe I can find it and post it sometime.

Then there's the real person behind the keyboard of Muranog. Writer, mudder, roleplayer, devoted (and occasionally bullied*) husband. Ah, the delights of multiple personalities...

*Not that the wifey would admit she bullies me, though. Probably not, anyway. See Redxara's blog in case she's saying anything bad about me...


  • At 4:18 pm, Blogger Caitlin Sraet said…

    Mura. TROOL! (All these years he can't spell trool!)


    Caldyr..paladin in the east. (Wrong side of the ocean)

    Me..still asleep. Later. =P


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