Moo! or, the writings of the mad minotaur

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Ange's Monday Fives, on Tuesday!

1) Your favorite thing to do while it's snowing.
Be inside in the warm, watching it snow outside, preferably while eating something warming. Soup is good.

2) Your least favorite thing to do while it's snowing.
Be out in it, especially going to work in it.

3) Your favorite of the winter (Christmas) television specials?
Television? What be that? Oh, I remember. It's that box that we have to switch on to watch our extensive DVD collection. And that's all we use it for :)

4) Blankets or heater?
Duvet! So I guess blankets win.

5) Marshmallows or whipped cream in the hot chocolate?
Whipped cream.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Back home.

Vacations never last long enough, sigh. Spain was fantastic - well needed break with wifey and her parents (who live over there), spent a lot of time in the pool and still managed to write 53 rooms for Mozart, but the time flew by. Before long it was time to come home.

Flight home was delayed nearly two hours. Stupid fucking Easyjet. Delays every time. Next time, I swear we'll look at a different airline. Only got home past 11pm, Sat night. Good thing we weren't flying Sunday.

Back to work on Monday to find a mere 762 new emails waiting for me, locums administrator on holiday so I had to do all her work this week as well as mine (and there was a lot of it, doctors dropping like flies at the moment so kept having to organise emergency cover), audits coming out of my ears and all the other joys of being an administrator in the health service. Joy. Luckily the week flew by fast, and now it's the weekend again.

Meanwhile on Mozart I'm now rchecking at long last. Been looking forward to being able to do rchecks again for years - used to do them on KarnosMUD before it closed. Got my first couple done this week, three larger ones to go. Feels good to be accomplishing something more on the adminwork side of the mud.

Yawn. Tired. More soon.