Moo! or, the writings of the mad minotaur

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Life and weirdness...

Morthaur II finally got his 1000 kills token the other night, yay. That's an important achievement for a one-life single-classed mage (anyone who has no idea what I'm talking about, why are you even reading this?), and further than Morthaur I ever got.

Maraport Bay is in, and I'm working on the next three areas. No more here about those, so as not to spoil things for others/give you guys an advantage/get myself into trouble, but hopefully you'll all enjoy them when they're in.

Meanwhile out in that weird place called offline...

Work continues to be silly. Just finished a major project reindexing all of the department's policy and procedure documents, identifying those that duplicate each other or duplicate documents available outside the department on the organisation's intranet, and tagging those for deletion. Took the best part of nine days, where my mad manager expected it to be done in three. Checked over 700 documents, recommending they be trimmed down to 94. Really wish people wouldn't save the same document repeatedly in the same folder.

Went out for drinks last night with people from my old job. Nice to see there are still a few people there who remember me, and catch up on the gossip. Clearly karma comes to some people who deserve it - the muppet who was my manager is apparently now a homeless single mother, and they've finally noticed 18 months after her departure how much she cost the organisation by tying them to bad contracts, etc. All stuff that I could have told them 2-3 years ago, if the people with authority to do anything had only listened. Oh well.

Family coming over tomorrow - including cousins from Germany. Must get the place a bit tidy first. They're bringing over a wood-carved dragon for me which we bought in Germany last month but couldn't transport by plane (they're coming by car). One more to add to my growing dragon collection (yes I collect dragons. What do you mean, you don't? I collect elephants too.)

Wifey and I going out for a meal next week with another old friend from the old job, who had the sense to get out well before I did and is now in a senior management position at another organisation in the same field. She seems to be enjoying it so far, apart from working 70-hour weeks which I keep telling her is not good for her.

Only a week to go before our main holiday of the year! Off to Spain next Sunday to stay with wifey's parents for two weeks. Their computer still has some issues (apart from being lonely since it doesn't have a mate, unlike my and wifey's computers which can have fun together when their owners aren't around!) so we won't be online much if at all. Possibly good for us. Looking forward to the pool, the beach, etc.

That's all for now...


  • At 12:13 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Who you trying to kid, be online less, but you are online a lot since you'll have all day with no work to go to!


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