Moo! or, the writings of the mad minotaur

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Once again, it's been toooooo long since I last posted. Can't believe 2007 is here already.

Resolution for the new year - lose weight. Well. We'll see. Wifey wants to as well, so maybe we'll manage it together.

Other resolution for the new year - get another area (or better still more areas) in on Mozart. Working on it...

Also working (still) on RPG stuff - still expanding my AD&D rules, up to 36,000 spells so far and rising, started a new interim AD&D campaign with wifey (using my old rules, till my new ones are actually finished) and a Rolemaster campaign with wifey and Dave (Falken to those who don't know the boy RL). If none of this means anything to you, ask me sometime and you shall learn :)

Dave came to stay for a week in early December, and nothing fell on his head!

At the same time Phil (Tempest) was in England so wifey and Dave and I met Phil one night while he was in London - four Mozart mudders in one bar, what a scary thought. Pic attached:

(me in the middle, Dave on my left and Phil on my right)

Xmas - wifey and I had three Xmas celebrations (yes, we're greedy) - first one was pre-Xmas with her brother, his gf and their adorable 10-month-old daughter who has made even me see children in a new light. Gasp. Second one was with my parents, over Xmas itself - was a nice break but still good to go home when it was over. Wifey refrained from attacking my mother with a ladle so all was good, though wifey was vexed that she didn't get a turkey! Hence third Xmas celebration - actually on New Year's Eve - was just us two at home, with a turkey and lots of trimmings. See pic of New Year's Eve banquet below:

Maybe I'll even start posting regularly again, in case anyone reads this...

Enough for now.
