Moo! or, the writings of the mad minotaur

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Origin of Muranog (3 of 5)


Muranog was to spend the next three years based in Raven’s Bluff. The
rogues that plagued the alleys and footpaths of the city had grown bold,
stealing and killing where they pleased, while the mages of evil intent –
marked conveniently by their order’s black robes – walked the city
streets with impunity, daring the city guards to challenge them. By the
time Muranog left that walled city, in early 291, the rogues were a shadow
of their organisation’s former strength, and the black-robed mages had
admitted defeat and sued for peace, their eldritch powers no match for a
zealous priest’s power to dispel enemy magics. Studying under the
Raven’s Bluff Warrior Guildmaster, and various priests of Caldyr and
allied Powers, Muranog grew in strength and mastery both martial and
ecclesiastical, until he surpassed all that his teachers in the city
could impart. Their advice to him was to return north to Nevrast, to
seek for other trainers and greater knowledge of the mysteries of the
Heavens and the techniques of battle.

But back north, Nevrast was under threat from other directions.


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