Moo! or, the writings of the mad minotaur

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Origin of Muranog (5 of 5)


The Crusades ended late in the year 300 of the Fourth Era. Muranog,
finding no worthy enemies or challenges remained in his old haunts,
sought out new lands to traverse, new places to bring the Word of Caldyr.
In the aftermath of the Crusades, many old trade routes were opening up
again, no longer disrupted by the drow or the priests of the Four Orders
of Pain.

From travellers venturing to Nevrast from distant lands, Muranog heard
of the submerged realm of Castle Aquarius, and of the cursed land of the
Eternal Stalemate, where forces of Order and Chaos vied forever for
supremacy, trapped in unending parity. Venturing to these realms, he
found new foes to challenge, new forces to battle. In the Eternal
Stalemate, he made it his task to aid the forces of Order, who favoured
the law and justice that his lord Caldyr craved, against their nemesis
Chaos. In Aquarius, deep beneath the Graecian Ocean, he battled the
voracious jellyfish and other creatures of the depths, keeping the realm
safe for its less predatory denizens.

Several years have passed since the end of the Crusades. To this day,
Muranog the minotaur resides in Nevrast, but travels the realms both by
foot and by the powerful magics he has now learned, to aid the cause of
light and deny evil. Who knows where his journey will end…


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