Moo! or, the writings of the mad minotaur

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


All the Mozartians who haven’t already done so today, check out help
areas low – and look for a certain paladin god’s name.
(any non-Mozartians who are here, god only knows why – nothing to see
here, move it along…)

It gives me a strange feeling of fulfilment to finally have an
area in on Mozart. It’s been a long time. I’m sure at least some of the
people most likely to read this will sympathise.

There will be more areas to come. Maybe many more. What can I say,
I like to create. And I feel I “owe” Mozart a great deal. If I hadn’t
come back to Mozart after the mud I was co-running died, I’d never have
met wifey.

I owe a certain someone more than words can ever say for inspiring me to
come back to Mozart, way back in 1999, and then keeping me inspired to stick around, when I was going through a pretty rough time. So a huge shout out to Ange, my little sister in every way other than
blood. If not for you, I wouldn’t be the happily married little minotaur
I am today, if I’d even be around at all. I owe you more than I can ever
express, sis. Thank you.

Great thanks are also due to my wonderful wifey who allowed me the time
to work on the area (even if a lot of it was when she was asleep!).

Course, making more areas means having time to finish them, between
actually playing on the mud, and roleplaying with wifey, and doing all
the other fun things that occupy my time…

Wifey’s RP campaign is gradually approaching its climax after the best
part of three years. Wonder how she’ll cope with starting a new one at
level 1 again. Meanwhile I’m completely overhauling my extremely heavily
modified AD&D system, which has had so many changes slapped on it over
the last twenty years, before her next campaign. Small things like a
total rewrite of the magic system, rebalancing all the spells, adding
several thousand new ones, fun things like that.

Vacations upcoming, which are good and well needed. Off to Germany with
wifey for the long weekend coming up, to stay with my family there.
Then off to Spain for the second half of September to stay with wifey’s
parents. It’s nice to have free accommodation in so many countries!

Next year I do want to make it across the Atlantic Pond again, been a
long time since my last visit as Ange knows. And wifey has never been
across it yet! Which must be rectified. Course, that means money. And
that means probably no laptop for another year. Or else no more evening
classes in VBA and PHP and all the other fun things that help minotaurs
get better jobs. Priorities, priorities.

Enough for now. Maybe I’ll babble more tomorrow.



  • At 3:09 am, Blogger Biomouse said…

    Congrats to you on all your hard work, and the culmination of many years worth of work and diligence. I'm so happy to see your name on the help areas list, it's fantastic!! Yeah for the Mino :)

    Oh and yes, boys, including mino boys are icky...every single one of them. But we do just love em all the same.

  • At 9:01 pm, Blogger Muranog said…

    Silly princess. The world will run out of bad guys eventually...

  • At 3:56 am, Blogger Caitlin Sraet said…

    Gratz on your area going in - even if we all got "reminded" of the fact that we aren't allowed to explore it for 7 days - after we'd already done it.

    Another dumb mozartian rule (I mean, i can understand imms not getting any of the eq, or using any knowledge of the area to help find it..but not being allowed in it, if they had nothing to do with it...) that i didn't know existed and will now add to my list of things to never do again. whee.

  • At 8:29 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yay Mino!

    I went exploring and found your area all on my own! All I can say is: GOOD JOB! I can't even imagine what a wonderful feeling it must be to have something you worked on for so long out there for people to enjoy.

    Your descriptions really pulled me into the area and the new mobs are very cool! I don't want to spoil anything for the others, so I'll quit rambling...

    But, I just wanted to tell you that I really enjoyed playing the area. Keep 'em coming!


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