Moo! or, the writings of the mad minotaur

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Thought I'd get in on the fours, better late than never!

Jobs I have had:

  1. Research assistant

  2. Medical receptionist

  3. Intranet administrator

  4. Personal assistant

Movies I would watch over and over again:

  1. LOTR (yes the whole trilogy)

  2. The Craft

  3. Dogma

  4. Starship Troopers

Places I have lived:

  1. Twickenham, southwest London

  2. other end of Twickenham, southwest London

  3. St Mary Cray, southeast London

  4. Catford, southeast London

(See a pattern here?)

Four TV shows you love to watch:
As the wifey said, don't really watch TV per se, but
follow various shows on DVD:

  1. Stargate SG1/Atlantis

  2. Charmed

  3. Smallville

  4. Buffy/Angel

(Ok, so Buffy and Angel aren't actually showing new
episodes anymore, but...)

Four places I have been on vacation:

  1. Edmonton, Canada

  2. Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA

  3. Prague, Czech Republic

  4. San Francisco, California, USA

Have met other mudders in all but the last of these :)

Four of my favorite foods:


  2. Pasta

  3. Sausages, especially German ones

  4. Pizza

Places I would rather be right now:
Back on vacation in Germany, where I just came from last night!


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